Elevate Physical Theraphy & Fitness




Here are 6 of our favorite mobility flow sequences with Stick Mobility •

  • Ninja Flow

From the shoulders and chest, down the thoracic spine and into the hips and lower limbs, the ninja flow is an excellent way to synergistically open up the entire movement system throughout the kinetic chain. 

  • Slapshot

Rotational range of motion and muscular coordination is critical for athletic and everyday activities alike – whether you are looking at improving your golf swing or reaching back behind the passenger seat to grab your bag, the slapshot will give you the edge you need to move smoothly and efficiently. •

  • Split Stance Bow & Arrow

The SS Bow and Arrow is an outstanding way to activate the muscles of the lower extremities for stability and balance while simultaneously encouraging mobility through the spine up the chain into the shoulder and upper extremities. •

  • Single-Leg RDL Counterforce

This movement flow adds a core activation and balance challenge to the traditional single-leg deadlift and is a must-have for the athlete or weekend warrior looking to take their RDL to the next level. •

  • Half-Kneeling Bow & Arrow

Tight hips and stiff shoulders? The HK Bow and Arrow is a perfect way to release this tension and open up the lateral chain for more fluid movement.


  • Half-Kneeling T/S Opener

Not only does this seemingly simple mobility flow release tension in the hip flexors while activating the gluteal muscles, it also encourages rotational movement throughout the thoracic spine.