Elevate Physical Theraphy & Fitness

Get Strong to Run!

This week, we are sharing our favorite exercises for Getting Strong to Run! Inspired by our Elevate PT’s preparation for the LA Marathon this month, she is going to show some necessary strengthening exercises that are crucial to running injury-free.

PHASE 1: Glute Activation

Prior to a run, activating your glutes is so important in order to help stabilize the pelvis during your jog, and to reduce the load on your knees and lower legs. Isometric holds are important to allow higher focus on recruiting the correct muscles, and improving neuromuscular activation at the brain.
Here are our 4 favorite glute exercises:
1. Side plank with Clam Hold
2. Single Leg Bridge Holds
3. Banded Squat Holds
4. Standing fire hydrants holds

PHASE 2: Core Strength

Having a strong core, especially with rotational strength, is so important for runners because it helps power and propel your run while also protecting your spine. A stable trunk is the starting point for *safe and efficient movement* and will also help protect your lower extremity kinetic chain while you run!
Here are 3 of our favorites:
1. Banded Dying Bugs
2. Isometric Lunge with Diagonal Chop
3. Plank on medicine ball with Diagonal Mountain Climbers


PHASE 3: Leg Strength

“Is strength training really necessary?” Research shows that adding strength training twice a week for 12 weeks improves speed by 8% and VO2max by 10% on average for endurance runners!
Since running is a “single leg ballistic activity,” we really focus on single limb support strengthening. The split squat progression you see in the video works the calf as it’s progressed to the toe and then into a hop. Aside from glutes, calf strengthening is often a missed strength exercise, and an area of weakness that leads to injury in runners.
Our top 4 exercises for Leg Day?
1. Banded Hex Bar Dead Lifts
2. Split squat, progressed to toe, progressed to ballistic hop
3. SL squat with a row
4. Crab Walks and Monster Walks