Elevate Physical Theraphy & Fitness

Elevate’s “Office Fit” Part 2: Postural Muscle Activation Tips

Last week we got you started with chasing away the desk dwelling blues through movement strategies and spine mobility exercises.  Now let’s turn the light switch on for key postural muscles that switch “off” and get weak when you let the desk chair do all the work for you when you sit, and sit, and sit.  Here are 5 favorites from the Elevate PT Team.  Do them right in your office, at home, in your hotel room, in a park, or at the gym.  Takes 5 minutes!  YOU CAN DO IT!

1. Bird Dog: Start on hands and knees with a neutral spine position (maintaining the natural, slight curve of the low back), abdominals engaged to hold that neutral position; push the floor away from you so shoulder blades don’t sag; tuck chin, eyes down, keeping head is in line with your shoulders.  Brace through your core, and extend one leg out while reaching the opposite arm forward.  Don’t let your back arch, and keep your hips square to the floor!  Hold the position at the top for a few seconds.  Imagine actively reaching “wall to wall” with the arm and foot, creating tension through all muscles in between!  Then slowly return to the start position before switching sides. Repeat for 60 seconds.

2. Sit-to-Stand Squats: Standing in front of a chair, brace your core, squeeze your glutes, and squat down with a strong hinge at the hips (with a forward trunk lean) until you touch your chair. Perform at a controlled pace (don’t rush!) for 60 seconds. Try to keep your core tight and glutes on throughout the entire range.

3. Butterfly: Start seated, spine straight, with your hands behind your neck, fingers overlapping each other, elbows out. Tuck your chin slightly, aligning ears over shoulders, squeeze your shoulder blades together, then lift hands a few inches away from your neck. Keep your shoulders down, away from your ears the entire time. Feel this between your shoulder blades and back of shoulders.  Hold for 10 seconds, and repeat for 60 seconds.

4. Glute bridges: Start on your back with your knees bent and your feet flat on the floor. Brace through your abdominals. then squeeze your glutes and use them to lift your hips off the ground. Make sure not to arch your spine as you lift your hips. Squeeze your glutes for a few seconds at the top, and lower your hips back down to the ground in a controlled motion, making the glutes and abdominals work the whole time.  Repeat for 60 seconds.

5. Wall angels:

A) Beginner: Start by facing the wall, with your shoulders pulled down away from your ears. Slightly tuck your chin, and glide your arms up the wall in a slight “Y” motion.  Make sure your shoulders don’t lift as you move your arms upward. Repeat for 60 seconds.

B) Advanced: Begin with your back against the wall, chin slightly tucked, and shoulders pulled back and down. Lift your arms up along the wall, while keeping your shoulders pulled down. Repeat for 60 seconds.

You’re on your way to reversing the effects of sitting and taking your life back from the movement zapper.  Don’t be surprised when you feel happier, more energized, and productive at work as an added bonus from exercise in your day!