Elevate Physical Theraphy & Fitness

Lower Body Foam Rolling

Feeling stiff or sore from a hard workout this weekend?  Or getting ready for a big one today to kick your week off?  There are lots of benefits to foam rolling both pre and post exercise!  Elevate’s co-owner Dr. Meredith PT, DPT demos what to do for the lower body using a high density foam roller, and Dr. Andy PT, DPT shows how to use a hand-held roller that you can easily throw in your gym or travel bag.
The research is still emerging, but studies do show that foam rolling can improve range of motion; improve sport performance when combined with a dynamic warm-up; reduce DOMS (Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness) that can occur after a hard training session or a change in exercise regimen; and reduce the negative effects that DOMS can have on performance.  The actual mechanism by which it works is still unknown.  Does in increase blood flow to the muscles, stimulate the nervous system, relax tight muscles and connective tissues?  The jury’s still out, but the benefits are real.
Here are key areas to focus on for lower body during warm-up and / or post-exercise, 30 – 60 seconds per muscle group.
*Notice how to add more pressure through a muscle group by crossing one leg over the other (quads, TFL / IT Band, hamstrings, gastrocsoleus). .
▶Quads (Front of the thigh)
▶TFL / IT Band (Side of hip / thigh)
▶Hips / Glutes
▶Hamstrings (Back of thigh)
▶Gastrocsoleus (calves)
▶Anterior Tibialis (Shins)

We have several different types of rollers in stock.  Stop in if you need one!